Health 2 Home is our new way of creating a community full of healthy families - a few households at a time! We heard that many of our friends had a tough time attending our classes so we've paired with Nature's Sunshine to bring a variety of wellness education topics and healthy solutions to you with our Health 2 Home meetings.
Host a meeting in your home to learn about these topics and more:
Safe DIY Cleaning Products
We'll help you and your guests identify toxic chemicals in the home and teach how to replace them with safe and effective cleaners that not only protect your health but help you save money too!
Herbal Medicine Cabinet
From preserving water to herbal first aid - we'll cover everything you need to keep handy to be prepared for emergencies at home and on the go. All natural solutions, of course.
Womens Health / Mens Health
Men and women have different needs and we all have different needs at various stages in our life. This H2H covers herbal support for hormonal and nutritional challenges pertinent to your age group.
Healthy Personal Care
Toxic chemicals are abundant in commercial personal care products. We'll teach you what to avoid and how easy it is to replace many of them with natural formulas you can make at home.
Stress and Mood Support
This session covers oils, herbs and vitamins to help with stress, mood, energy, vitality and sleep. We'll discuss how each plant formula works and how to make appropriate choices.
Healthful Kids
Many kids are picky eaters, and they don't always get the nutrition they need from the foods they like. We'll come armed with recipes and suggestions they'll love plus safe herbs for kids' needs.
Lifetime Vitality via IN.FORM
Our IN.FORM program has been such a hit at the clinic we decided to add it to our Health 2 Home options. We'll go over 13 proven steps to implement healthy lifestyle changes and the herbs and vitamins that can help with challenges like weight, cardio health, stress, hormones, cravings and more. Host an introductory meeting, step on our BioTracker to find out what your metabolic age is and learn what you can do with attention to prevention.
Traditional Chinese Medicine
In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), a more than 5000 year old system of healing, there are five basic constitutional types, based on the five Chinese elements: water, wood, fire, earth and metal. Discovering your predominant constitutional type and balancing the elements is a key to maximizing your health in Chinese medicine philosophy. We'll bring quizzes and information to introduce you to this ancient healing art.
Interested in hosting a meeting? The rewards are numerous!
Host a meeting for one of the topics above for your family and friends and we’ll entertain your guests with a fun and interactive time with demos, hands on learning, free gifts, recipes and more.
Call 239.250.9312 and ask about "Health 2 Home" meetings.