Certified Clinical Thermographer
Massage Therapist
Services you can schedule with Jo:
Thermal Imaging
Thermography can detect subtle physiological changes that may precede or accompany pathology. It is complementary to standard anatomical tests and can provide information that no other test can provide as affordably or as safely.
Integrated Massage and Microcurrent Therapy
Each session is customized to individual needs and goals and can address areas of concern, chronic pain and conditions such as nerve impingement, repetitive use fatigue or limited range of motion. Jo will offer treatment options such as myofascial release and other bodywork techniques as indicated. Treatments can also include microcurrent applications for pain or kinesio taping for support.

Structural Integration Combined with Thermography
Thermography clients can work with our therapist to plan targeted therapeutic sessions to improve posture, re-educate muscles, release fascia constrictions and more, based on thermogram results. When the source of the problem is identified it can help us identify better ways to correct it.
Lymphatic Decongestive Therapy
Certified Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD) therapist uses a range of specialized techniques to move the skin in the direction of the lymph flow. MLD may be indicated to help remove toxins, reduce swelling and discomfort, for post operative recovery or as indicated by thermography results. MLD may also be used for general health and beauty as it can help improve the immune system as well as improving the appearance of aging skin and reducing cellulite.
Meridian Stress Assessment
Energetic disturbances may be considered when conventional lab work or other diagnostics are negative for pathology but a myriad of symptoms are present. MSA seeks to balance the client energetically.
IN.FORM Coaching
If you need help making savvy diet choices, getting motivated or reaching your goals - join this clinically studied, worldwide program for success and better health! Individual, public and private group options available.
QiGong Lessons
Qigong is a form of gentle exercise in a series of movements that can help with stretching the body, increasing circulation (blood, synovial and lymph) and building self awareness. Eight Pieces of Brocade has both sitting and standing forms.
A message from Jo...
Our bodies send us signals - sometimes long before symptoms even present. We often teach ourselves to discount or ignore the signals until we can no longer avoid seeking intervention. Thermography is a way to visualize and monitor our unique physiological activity and aid us in the pursuit of optimal wellness. Targeted massage therapy sessions are a way to use thermographic results to effect change. Note: my sessions may include giving you homework to do! Using what I've learned from my experience as an OT assistant and in my qigong and Human Movement Sciences education, I am likely to recommend stretches and lifestyle changes to help you recover from and discontinue patterns of use that are causing chronic pain.
I enjoy helping my clients solve mysteries, find early clues or just monitor their health. I also feel fortunate to have the opportunity to work with the innovative doctors and practitioners who refer patients for thermography so that they can serve their clients better.
I look forward to serving you.
Live passionately, laugh often and be well!
Jo Vaccarino, CCT
- American College of Clinical Thermology (ACCT) Graduate
- ACCT Advanced Imaging Techniques Levels: II, III
- Licensed Massage Therapist #MA91638
- Certified Manual Lymphatic Drainage (Vodder Technique) - Academy of Lymphatic Studies
- Human Movement Specialist - Brookbush Institute
- MPS Pain Therapy - 16 hrs Micropoint Stimulaton (2018)
- Pain Management with Biofeedback Electro-Stimulation Therapy (Avazzia): Level I, II (2019)
- Level II Protocols with Dr. Silva (Scoliosis, Sciatica, Back Pain)
- Avazzia Advanced Training with Lynn Teachworth of Trunamics (2019)
- Addressing Myofascial Pain, Chronic Pain and Sports Injuries with Lynn Teachworth (2019)
- Application of Channel Theory in the Treatment of Acute and Chronic Pain with Dr. Marna Rasmussen
- Advanced Training Treating Shoulder, Hip, Back and Neck Pain with Mirror and Imaging Concepts with Dr. Marna Rasmussen
- Dorn Method Certificate of Training
- Reflexology Practitioner: Digits International Reflexology Institute
- 8 Pieces of Brocade and Yang style TaiChi Study with Dr. HJ Bowersox, DO
- Medical Qigong I with Dr. Isaac Goren, Tao House
- Qest4 MSA Computerized Electro Dermal Technician Training and Advanced Applications
- Certified IN.FORM Coach
- Worked as an occupational therapy assistant while enrolled in the pre-med curricula at Cleveland State University 1995
Interviews, articles and more:
Interview with Silvia Casabianca on "Regain Body Wisdom"
Contact Jo Vaccarino
Email Jo
Call/text Jo: 239-250-9312
Visit the Thermography Page
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